Contract: All puppies will have a contract that will protect you as a buyer and myself as a seller. This contract includes a health guarantee for genetic problems and also a return clause if you are not able to properly care for your puppy. I DO NOT SELL TO BROKERS. PUPPIES ARE NOT TO BE RE-SOLD FOR ANY REASON OR PUT INTO RESCUEI will make every effort to help you with your pup if circumstances arise.
Dew claws removed. This is done at 2 days old and the entire litter is done at that time.
Microchip implanted and registered with AKC Reunite program FOR LIFE. Restrictions: all puppies are micro-chipped and registered in my name as the breeder for LIFE. Unless you are being deployed over seas or out of the country. I keep all my records up to date so if there is an emergency my phone number is accurate and I can quickly respond and help.
AKC registration. All of the dogs here are AKC registered dogs. All companion puppies are on LIMITED REGISTRATION (A dog registered with an AKC Limited Registration shall be ineligible to be entered in a breed competition in a licensed or member dog show. Dogs are eligible, however, to be entered in any other licensed or member event. These events include: Obedience, Tracking, Field Trials, Hunting Tests, Herding, Lure Coursing, Agility, Barn hunt, dock diving, etc.), with out exceptions. I do not sell puppies on full registration for more money or sell puppies to be breeding stock.
Deworming puppies are de-wormed here with Nemex II at ages 2, 4 & 5weeks. At 6 weeks they are given 3 days of Fendbendazole.
Vaccines. Puppies will have their first core vaccine at 7 weeks (distemper, Parvo, Parainfluenza and adenovirus) Recommended schedule of vaccines is every 3 weeks for booster shots. Non-core vaccine intranasal bordetella is recommended at 10 weeks of age with boosters every 6 months after.
Puppy Records for veterinarian will also go home with your new puppy. Also included in that package are discount coupons, basic training pamphlet, shot record, care for your new puppy.
Breed specific information Puppies will have a spiral bound book that I have put together, with the help of some well written articles, that goes over some of the issues that Great Dane puppies can encounter. This book is for the education of the consumer so you have every tool to raise a healthy puppy. If you need help and can't find the information or need additional help, you are always welcome to call me 24/7 for phone support or if needed I can come to you to help.
Training Books. Puppies will also go home with three books by Patricia McConnell, PhDPuppy Primer & Family Friendly Dog Training. These books provide much of the information you will need to care, train and raise your new puppy. If you find you need more assistance with training you are welcome to call me or send an email and discuss what your puppy is doing and I can help guide you to better training, leadership and guidance for your puppy.
Collars, Leashes, Toys & Chewies your puppy will have the best beginning tools go home with him. Some of my favorite chews and toys to entertain your puppy, also the proper collar and leash to begin. I recommend the Halti or Holt head collar for all my puppies as they get older. If you need to use a prong collar, you have not trained your dog, let me help you find a proper trainer in your area or come to me for more basic training needs. I do not recommend a harness for any reason other than doing carting with your dog. Would you ride a horse with a harness? Control is in the head and the body will follow.
All Puppies are $3,000.00 (natural ear or cropped (see below)
Cropping Services- I do use a licensed veterinarian to crop puppies at 6 to 7 weeks old. If you wish I can have the puppy cropped. No puppies purchased will be cropped by anyone other than my veterinarian.